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Recognize these legs? They belong to actress Linda Gray, not Anne Bancroft. The 72-year-old Dallas actress revealed Tuesday that she was Bancroft's body double in the 1967 film The Graduate. Although Gray's stems were featured on the movie poster, and helped the film gross over $104 million domestically, she barely earned enough for good bikini wax. "I was paid $25 for one leg," she told Anderson Cooper this week. If there's anything to be learned from her loss, it's that legs can't be undersold.


Beautiful legs are every woman’s – and man’s dream. They even wondering himself on how to get beautiful legs? Apart from the facial features and the breasts, a woman’s legs are the prime focus of every man’s visual assessment. Being the most widely used part of the body, the legs are not usually given the care attention that they deserve and at times, even ignored. Legs come in all shapes and sizes but just because you may think your legs as being too fat or too skinny doesn’t mean that you can’t do anything to make them look better. There is no secret to getting beautiful legs. As with everything else, it can be achieved by the proper care and regimen.
Follow this simple tips on how to get beautiful and sexy legs
  1. If you think your legs are too fat, try going on a daily exercise regimen focusing on your legs. Squats, lunges, leg curls and stretches do wonders to help tone your leg muscles. Sometimes, legs may just look heavy because of poor blood circulation. You need to keep the blood moving in your legs to ensure that they get all the nourishment they need.
  2. Varicose Veins in the legs are very unsightly. These abnormally enlarged veins on the skin’s surface are sometimes caused by standing for prolonged periods of time, pregnancy or prolonged constipation. Make it a habit to elevate your legs at every chance you get. Be it while watching TV, reading a book and even while you sleep.
  3. Massage your legs with warm coconut oil. It not only reduces hair growth but it also leaves your legs looking smoother and softer. This is especially advisable during the winter months when the cold weather leaves skin looking very dry.
  4. Shave or wax. The appearance of hair on the legs is a definite no-no. If you can, consider having laser hair removal. Frequent shaving could result in drier skin and razor burns and bumps.
  5. Be sure to moisturize after every shave and every bath. It keeps the legs looking healthy and beautiful. A mixture of baking soda and warm water makes a natural skin paste. Massage this onto your legs once a week to prevent ingrown hairs.
  6. Avoid wearing clothing that is too tight around your waist. It constricts the flow of blood into your legs.
  7. Have warm baths instead of hot baths. Hot baths cause the veins and the legs to swell.
  8. Drink lots of water. Consuming at least 8 glasses of water a day ensures proper hydration. Asian health experts advise that the water be at room temperature. It prevents the oily foods we eat from solidifying and turning into fat stored in our bodies.
Finally, to get beautiful and sexy legs need a hard work and persistence. Hope you all will get it soon :)

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